8 Things That Drive Your Company Value
A live and interactive webinar designed for business owners and leaders of all industries. 40-minute presentation, followed by a 20-minute Q&A. A copy of the webinar will be provided as a follow up to all participants.
This presentation looks at how to:
- Increase your score on each of the eight drivers of company value.
- Find strategic buyers for your business.
- Structure your business to maximize its value.
- Accelerate the pace of positive word-of-mouth for your business using the same technique as companies like Intuit, Google, and Apple.
- Boost your company’s cash flow in the same way Harley Davidson finances its business.
- Differentiate your business using the same methodology Warren Buffet looks for in the companies he invests in.
- Minimize your company’s reliance on your personal involvement using some of the strategies Tim Ferriss used to reduce the time he spent in this business to just four hours a week.